Magic Eagle Keyboard And Mouse

The Ctrl key together with the left mouse button controls special functionality of individual commands, like, for instance, selecting an object at its origin with the MOVE command. Shift Pressing the Shift key while clicking on the right mouse button reverses the direction in which the wire bend styles are switched through (only applies to commands that support wire bend styles, like, for instance, WIRE ). Running this ultra low cost Havit MS672 Magic Eagle Gaming Mouse through a gauntlet of testing to see if it's actually worth your time and money. A quick review of my new Magic Eagle LED gaming mouse and keyboard by Havit hope you enjoy.Music in the video:Modern Rock Boy by Audionautix is licensed unde. LOT Havit Magic Eagle Gaming Mouse And Keyboard HV-KB558CM Used in GC Used. LOT Havit Magic Eagle Gaming Mouse And Keyboard HV-KB558CM Used in GC. Condition is Used. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. Fixed Price $ 12.95.

EAGLE HelpThe modifier keys (Alt, Ctrl and Shift) are usedto modify the behaviour of certain mouse actions.Note that depending on which operating system or window manager you use, some of thesekeys (in combination with mouse events) may not be delivered to applications, which meansthat some of the functions described here may not be available.


Pressing the Alt key switches to an alternate GRID.This can typically be a finer grid than the normal one, which allows you to quicklydo some fine positioning in a dense area, for instance, where the normal grid mightbe too coarse.The alternate grid remains active as long as the Alt key is held pressed down.


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Pressing the Ctrl key while clicking on the right mouse button togglesbetween corresponding wire bend styles (only applies to commands that support wirebend styles, like, for instance, WIRE).

The Ctrl key together with the left mouse button controls special functionalityof individual commands, like, for instance, selecting an object at its origin with theMOVE command.


Pressing the Shift key while clicking on the right mouse button reversesthe direction in which the wire bend styles are switched through (only applies tocommands that support wire bend styles, like, for instance, WIRE).

The Shift key together with the left mouse button controls special functionalityof individual commands, like, for instance, deleting a higher level object with theDELETE command.



Pressing the Esc key when a command is active will cancel the currentactivity of that command without canceling the entire command (if there is textin the command line, that text will be deleted first, and the next press of theEsc key will act on the command).For the MOVE command, for example, this meansthat an object that is currently attached to the cursorwill be dropped and an other object can be selected.

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The keys Crsr-Up (cursor up) and Crsr-Down (cursor down) can be used in thecommand line of an editor window to scroll through the command history.

Function Keys

Function keys can be assigned any commands by using the ASSIGN command.

Left Mouse Button

The left mouse button is generally used to select, draw or place objects.

Center Mouse Button

The center mouse button changes the current layer or mirrors the object currentlyattached to the mouse cursor.

The following commands support the center mouse button:
ADDmirror part
ARCchange active layer
CIRCLEchange active layer
COPYmirror object
INVOKEmirror gate
LABELchange active layer
MOVEmirror object or group
PASTEmirror group
POLYGONchange active layer
RECTchange active layer
ROUTEchange active layer
SMDchange active layer
TEXTchange active layer
WIREchange active layer

Havit Magic Eagle Keyboard And Mouse Combo

Click&Drag with the center mouse button will pan the drawing within the editorwindow. If you want to exceed the range defined by the scrollbars, you can do soby holding down the Shift key while panning.

Havit Magic Eagle Gaming Keyboard And Mouse

Right Mouse Button

The right mouse button is mostly used to select a group, rotate objects attached tothe mouse cursor, change wire bend styles and several other command specific functions.

The following commands support the right mouse button:
ADDrotate part
ARCchange direction of arc
BUSchange wire bend
CHANGEapply change to group
DELETEdelete group
GROUPclose polygon
INVOKErotate gate
LABELrotate label
MIRRORmirror group
MOVErotate object, select group
NETchange wire bend
PADrotate pad
PASTErotate group
PINrotate pin
POLYGONchange wire bend
RIPUPripup group
ROTATErotate group
ROUTEchange wire bend
SMDrotate smd
SPLITchange wire bend
TEXTrotate text
WIREchange wire bend

Magic Eagle Gaming Keyboard Software

Mouse Wheel

Inside an editor window the mouse wheel can be used to zoom in and out.

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