Thats Me Right There Lyrics

Mellow Yellow Lyrics by Donovan at the Lyrics Depot. By Kathy from Caz on 6/26/2012 10:06pm Donovan stated 'This song is for all the blondes out there.' Before he sang the song Mellow Yellow at the FREE Syracuse NY Jazz Fest at Jamesville Beach State Park on June 23, 2012.

  • It was right in front of this little bar, a Kind of a red-neck lookin' joint called the 'Dew Drop Inn' Well I stuffed my hair up under my hat And told the bartender that I had a flat And would he be kind enough to give me change for a one Well there was one thing I was sure proud to see There wasn't a soul in the place except for him and me.
  • Yeah, that's me right there Can't nobody love that man Like I love that man That's me right there That's me right there I ain't ever goin' nowhere (can't stop) He ain't ever goin' nowhere (won't stop) That right there (hold up) That's me right there Ugh, what you want with it I recognize that you're on with it I put your name in the song with it.

The Whisnants, Lyrics to Some of Southern Gospel Music's Favorite Songs

The Whisnants are one of Southern Gospel music’s most tenured groups. They have been satisfying Southern Gospel music fans for over thirty-five years and have recorded seven number one songs as well as several top forty songs. They have been nominated as Trio of the Year four times and each member has also received numerous awards and nominations.

The current line up of the Whisnants features Jeff Whisnant, the owner and manager as the baritone. Jeff is the only original member of the group.Susan Whisnant, Jeff’s wife, has been singing with the group for over twenty years. She sings alto and handles radio promotions for the group. Her passion for Southern Gospel music is evident in her performance. She is also prone to break into song when she calls on the phone to promote their music. (I have to admit that it’s always a treat to hear the latest Whisnants song being sung to me over the phone by none other than Susan Whisnant herself – one of the perks of the job!) Susan has just recently released her first solo album.

Aaron Hise, the tenor, has been with the Whisnants for almost seven years. Before the Whisnants he sang with a full time Southern Gospel group from Illinois. He also and with The Greenes, filling in for Tim Greene.

Eric Ollis plays the piano and keyboards. He has been with the Whisnants for almost three years.

A Chat With Susan Whisnant

(Southern Gospel Music Lyrics to Whisnants' songs at the bottom of this page.)
A Greater Yes
The current Southern Gospel single from the Whisnants is one that touches me every time that I hear it. “Marcia Henry wrote “A Greater Yes”. Susan states. “She sent that song the minute that I needed it. People don’t know but Marica also wrote, “Is Anything To Hard For God” and “Nail It To The Cross”. I can’t believe how God is using that song to encourage people

all across the nation and me – I sing to myself every night.

“There are so many people out there that are praying every night for God to do something and it seems as if His answer is just “no”. It’s so good to be reminded that he hasn’t forgotten us. He’s got a plan. We just have to trust Him with it and realize that the Bible does say He will work all things together for our good if we will trust Him for those that are in Christ Jesus.”

Susan Whisnant started singing Southern Gospel music with her parents at the age of twelve. Her husband, Jeff, got started earlier at the age of six with his parents in The John Whisnant Group. “It's been an awesome journey.” Susan reflects. “I met Jeff singing in a church with my mom and dad in Blacksburg, SC. Jeff was singing with the John Whisnant Family. That’s how we met. Jeff actually had his girlfriend with him.” Susan chuckles. “I ended up setting my best friend up with Jeff’s brother and they got married. She kept telling me that Jeff was the one for me.” It must have been true because Susan and Jeff have been married for 19 years and have two children.

Is Anything To Hard For God

The Whisnants had their first number one Southern Gospel song with, “Is Anything To Hard For God”. “When I first heard this song”, Susan remembers, “My mom who is the most positive person you will ever meet in your life – she said ‘Susie you are

fixxin’ to have your first number one song.’”

“Its an awesome song and message. I use it a lot during invitations. There’s nothing to hard for God. Jeremiah 32:27 says, ’Behold I AM the Lord thy God of all flesh and is there anything that’s to hard for God?’. And the answer has to come back emphatically no!

The Whisnants’s first number one Southern Gospel song was a turning point for the group. Susan recalls, “I Think that God just showed us right there. No one has really ever helped us. We’ve been able to do what we’ve done because we work hard and we love what we do. So when our song went to number one it was amazing to us that God would allow that to happen for us. He has proven Himself time and time again. His faithfulness is just unbelievable to me.”

Rejoicing In The Lord

The Whisnants have had seven number one Southern Gospel songs. When asked what the reason for their success is Susan doesn’t hesitate. “Our songs are songs that people are just ministered by. Let’s be honest – people out there are hurting. People are struggling. People are questioning God on every side. As a matter of fact on this trip, I’ve never seen the number of people struggling with cancer.

“We’re living in a day when people are hurting so bad and they are looking for answer. I think that’s why God has used our songs. I mean look at the simple messages – “Is Anything To Hard For God”, “Nail It To The Cross”, “Even In The Valley God Is Good” – They are songs that remind us of where we live and that without Him we are nothing and if we don’t totally depend on Him we’re going to be lost.

We’re living in a world where circumstances change. Somebody asked me the other day,' Why are you so happy?’. I said I do not rejoice in my circumstances because I could be on cloud nine today, but I’m one phone call away from my world being devastated. So if I don’t rejoice in my circumstances – the Bible says we are to ‘rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice’. We are to be happy not because of our circumstances but because God loves us. He’s our Strength. He’s or Joy.

“I think that is why God honors our music because I want to encourage people. When I see the people when we sing – I saw the crowd Sunday night and the majority of the people were in tears. It’s not that I want to invoke that kind of response but when you sing a song like ‘A Greater Yes’ and there are people out there that are praying and praying for God to move and it seems as if He’s not and you can remind them that He’s not forgotten them. It’s an encouraging message and God’s honored that.”

With Southern Gospel music that is so ministry oriented, the Whisnants have seen many moving things as they travel the country. Susan recalls one incident. “You wouldn’t believe it- I can not get it off my mind. This 71-year-old man introduced himself to me. He was cutting up with me then he introduced to me his little 8-year-old great granddaughter Charlie. I loved on her but she just wouldn’t look at me and I just loved on her and told her I loved her and introduced myself to her and gave her one of my CD’s.

“Let me back up. She walked off and her grandfather said, ’Please pray for Charlie. She's 8 years old and her dad has already OD’d and died. Her momma’s 26 years old and we just bailed her out of jail three days ago from an OD and drug selling. She doesn’t care about Charlie. She’ll leave her alone overnight’. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, ‘Susan please pray that God will let me and my wife live. We’re 71 years old but Charlie has nobody else to take care of her.”

That’s when I grabbed my CD and signed it – To Charlie, You are precious. I want to invest in her. I was able to, at the end of the service, she came up to me after we had sung the second set and this time, looked me straight in the eyes, she wrapped her arms around me and wanted a picture taken. I looked at her and said that ‘God loves you and He sent His only Son to die for you.’ And her big eyes got – it looked like she was hearing something she had never heard before – that ‘Charlie, God loves you’. I said if you’ll ask Jesus into your heart you’ll never be alone even when you are thinking that no one cares about you, God loves you and Jesus loves you. He will be with you forever and Susan’s going to be praying for you everyday. I’m telling you, it’s like I wake up and Charlie is on my mind. I’m praying for her everyday.”

Susan continues from the heart, “It’s not just about singing. It’s not just about cranking out good songs. There’s a generation out there that’s listening to us and they are longing for something that’s real, something that’s not going to make them just clap their hands and stomp their feet. They want their heart to know there’s something out there- that there’s encouragement out there, that they don’t have to give up, that there’s a Savior ready and waiting to embrace them and take care of their every need if they just trust Him. I think that the older I get the more I realize the responsibility we hold doing what we do. We shouldn’t take it lightly.”

For The Life Of Me

Susan Whisnant has recently released her first solo Southern Gospel music project entitled, “For The Life Of Me”. “I’ve always wanted to do a solo project and not really even for radio.” Susan laughs. “I can’t explain it. When I get in my car I put in a CD and I want to be ministered to. I want a song that will tell about every aspect of life and remind me that God is faithful. I couldn’t really do that within the confines of a Whisnants album. I wanted to sing songs on the solo project that reached every struggle of life and I think I did that.”

“I wanted to do something that could say to everyone listening to this Cd that we do have a faithful God. When for the life of me I don’t understand why He would love me so much, because I don’t deserve it, I deserve hell, that’s all I’m worth. But He’s giving me mercy and grace and far more than I could ever imagine and for the life of me I don’t understand why He would heal me but He did. That’s why I did this project – as a celebration for me – for nobody else but me and then if everybody else can enjoy it and benefit from it the to God be the Glory for that.

God’s Healing Touch

I asked Susan about the time that God had healed her. Susan paused for a moment and then continued, “A lot of people know how I had a cyst in my vocal chord that was not fixable – it was inoperable. When God healed me of this cyst and it was in such a way that only God could do it.” Susan grew very deliberate as she related what is surely one of the most important chapters in her walk with God.

Ciara That's Right Lyrics

“I don’t know if you remember back a few years but talking to me was a struggle” Susan whispered. “I don’t think that anybody knows the desperate state that I was in. I mean here I am doing radio calls and the doctors are saying ‘don’t talk unless you are getting paid to do it’ and I was like you don’t understand. Radio promotions are a big part of my living. I’ve got to do it yet when I get on the bus I’ve got to be able to crank it out and sing and I’m not doing either one of them well not to mention I’m supposed to be talking to my kids and home schooling them.

'When I woke up talking was an effort. I don’t think I ever told Jeff how frightened I was. I know the Bible says, “Fear Not” 365 times – that’s a ‘Fear Not’ for everyday of the year. But I was fearful because that’s what I do – I talk. I went to the surgeon and he said the cyst is ‘on the inside of my vocal chord, not on it. So going in and lazering it off, cutting it off is not an option. and removing it, it just can’t be done. So however you are doing it, however you are cranking it out, however you are talking, you just continue to do it and when you can’t do it any more- well then’. That’s how they put it to me. ‘Well then’.

“I was desperate because I don’t know what in the world I was going to do. There were people praying all across the country and I found myself – I’m so thankful that the Bible says He hears the groanings of our hearts”, Susan said as she began to cry.” Because I found myself not even being able to pray for myself because I didn’t know whether to say ‘God if this is your will take it’ or just ‘God please remove this thing’. I didn’t know how to pray so I was just desperate.

In November of 2005 I went back to the doctors and the cyst was gone. We had sung in North Carolina and these four older ladies just ask if they could pray for me and they did. I can remember the prayer, ‘God she’s yours. Man can’t fix her but You can. We are asking You to do it and do it in such a way that no man can receive the praise and honor but you.’ Then she sended the prayer by saying ‘We’re going to thank you for what you’ve already done.’” Susan sobbed, “I can’t say that I prayed that way but she did and she touched the Throne of God.

“Jeff and I took of for Nashville and when the doctors looked in they said Susan your cyst is gone. I was overwhelmed. I didn’t think that I could speak again.

The Whisnants are one of Southern Gospel music's most wonderful groups. With a heart for ministry and a desire to reach this generation with the message of the Gospel, the Whisnants best days are ahead of them.

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Lyrics From New Day Dawning

The Whisnants’ “New Day Dawning” album is one of my favorites. It contains several wonderful songs including the huge Southern Gospel hits “A Greater Yes” and “New Day Dawning”.

A Greater Yes

A Greater Yes, Accompaniment CD

Marcia Henry / Marcia Henry Music / BMI
Made Popular by The Whisnants

Verse 1:
It starts with a desire, planted deep within your heart
You pray in faith, and wait for God to move
Time passes and you wonder
Did He hear me when I called?
Should I even have prayed that prayer at all

You never pray a prayer, your Father will not answer
He can't ignor His child's earnest request
While you're waiting and believing
For what you thought was best
Trust God if He says no…. You're still Blessed
There must be a greater yes

Verse 2:
There comes a time when child-like faith
Must graduate to trust
Trials come and you're convinced you're on your own
But the teacher's often silent
During the hardest test
But He'll answer when It's time with what is best

Sometimes God will answer - just like we prayed
Then other times what's on His mind
Is a better plan, a another way, a greater yes

New Day Dawning

Joel Lindsay / Paragon Music
Made popular by The Whisnants
Thats Me Right There LyricsNew Day Dawning, Accompaniment CD

I'm gonna sit by the crystal river
Dangle my feet in the cool clear blue
I'm gonna sit with the saints and angels
I'm gonna be there how about you

I'm gettin ready for a new day dawning
I'm gettin ready for a brand new morning
Packin' my bags for a heavenly journey
I can't wait to be there, no I can't wait to be there

I've got a lot of old friends and loved ones
Some already have gone before
Hand in hand we'll tour that city
Then we'll kneel at the feet of our Lord

Thank God For Grace

Sandy Blythe / Jeff Whisnant Music
Made popular by The Whisnants
Thank God For Grace, Accompaniment CD

I have seen the ruined lives of millions bound by sin
I have seen those in the ghetto, with a bottle in their hand
Yet I know, this could be me, I could in that same place
But I'm washed and redeemed, I thank God for grace

Unworthy of mercy, yet I'm free and saved
Unworthy of royal blood, that flows through my veins
If not for Calvary, where would I be today
I was blind now I see, I thank God for grace

Nothing good I have done, to deserve this grace I found
I was lost as could be, when His hand reached way down
Where once I had nothing, I now have everything
Oh, I thank God for grace, that saved a wretch like me

Grace, grace, God's grace
Grace that is greater than all my sin

That's All Right Mama Lyrics

Joy - A Must Have Whisnants Album

The Whisnants “Joy” album contains many wonderful songs and cemented The Whisnants as one of the top groups in Southern Gospel music. With popular Southern Gospel songs, “Even In The Valley”, “Nail It To The Cross” and “God’s Bigger Than That”, the “Joy” album is one of the must have Southern Gospel albums.

Even In The Valley

Rebecca Peck and Amy Marie Unthank / Thomas Peck Music
Made popular by The Whisnants
Even In The Valley, Accompaniment CD

High upon this mountain - the sun is shining bright
My heart is filled with gladness here above the cares of life
But I've just come through the valley of trouble, fear and pain
It was there I came to know my God enough to stand and say

Even in the valley - God is good
Even in the valley - He is faithful and true
He carries his children through - like He said he would
Even in the valley - God is good

The road of life has lead you to a valley of defeat
You wonder if the father has heard your desperate plea
But there is hope in the rugged place where tears of sorrow dwell
Can't you hear Him gently whispering 'I am hear and all is well'

God’s Bigger Than That

Chris Binion and Scott Moody / Pisgah Ridge Music

Swingrowers That's Right Lyrics

That Made popular by The Whisnants

That's Alright Lyrics

God's Bigger Than That, Accompaniment Compact Disc [CD]

We are soldiers in an army fighting every day
The captain of glory is leading the way
We are headed to a city - He's taking us on back
No matter what's before us - God's bigger than that

My God is bigger than the mountains or the raging seas
He's bigger than my worries - He's bigger than my needs
He is the rock of ages - sweet victory at last
No matter what the problem - God's bigger than that

You may face the raging battle of Satan every day
As he constantly reminds you of all your past mistakes
See he's got his eyes upon you - He's trying to turn you back
But he knows you know the answer - God's bigger than that

He is bigger than all of my problems - Bigger than all my fears
God is bigger than any mountain that I can or cannot see
Bigger than all of my questions - Bigger than anything
God is bigger than any mountain that I can or cannot see

Nail It To The Cross

Marcia Henry / Centergy Music
Made popular by The Whisnants
Jasmine thatNail It To The Cross, Accompaniment CD

Java version 1.7 download 64 bit. V1 Is there something in your heart - between you and the Lord
Are you drifting apart - not as close anymore
There's nothing you can do - that He will not forgive
Bring it to the cross - let it die so you can live

Nail it to the cross - get it under the blood
Drown your pain and every stain in the mercy flood
Nail it to the cross - find hope and forgiveness
Kneel at the tree and walk away free - Nail it to the cross

Is there a burden you bear that's got you battered and bound
Struggling for strength, do you long to lay it down?
Don't take another step, just kneel where you stand
Lay it at the cross and take the hammer in your hand

That S Me Right There Lyrics

With such powerful songs as 'Is Anything To Hard For God?', 'nail It To The Cross', 'Even In The Valley' and 'A Greater Yes', its clear to see how the Whisnants have become one of Southern Gospel Music's most influencial and beloved groups.

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